Command 19 : Choose the Narrow Way | Day 129 Expect a Narrowing Path!Let's take a closer look at Proverbs 4:18: "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." Picture in your mind the beam of a flashlight. The shining light is Jesus. John describes His splendor and brilliance: “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace ... . And His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength” (Revelation 1:14-16). A beam of light will get narrower and brighter as we approach it. So will the path to life. The path of light will not only get narrower as we approach its source, but it will also get much brighter. If we travel half the distance to a light source, the brightness will not be twice as much, but four times stronger! We also know from the experience of Moses that being in the light of God's presence causes our faces to shine. “... The children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance” (II Corinthians 3:7). There is an additional factor to consider as we walk the narrowing path. The bright light of Christ will reveal more and more of the imperfections in our lives. What we used to consider as acceptable in semidarkness becomes intolerable in the spotlight of God's holiness. Enoch trained his descendants to find the narrow path, while the rest of the world followed the crowds to destruction. The name "Enoch" contains a wealth of insight on walking with God. Enoch represented the seventh generation from Adam. Twice Scripture states, “Enoch walked with God.” (See Genesis 5:22-24.) In Hebrew, Enoch is from the root word chanak, which means "narrowing." It implies "to teach, to dedicate, to consecrate." Because he walked with God, his relationship with the Lord steadily became closer and more intimate until one day God translated Enoch to heaven without death. The theme of Enoch's life was the holiness of God (see Jude 14-15). The investments he made to teach his descendants the ways of God left a lasting impact on the world. His son, Methuselah, lived longer than any man did, and two generations later, his great-grandson, Noah, was the only righteous man who remained on the earth! When it comes to finding the path of life, we cannot afford to be "broadminded." Let's follow Enoch's example of walking in closer and closer fellowship with God and invest a lasting heritage of truth in sons and daughters. If we are faithful to do this, the world will recognize that we have been with Jesus because of His radiance reflected in our lives! |