Command 44 : Keep My Commandments | Day 307 Express Love in Commands!In I Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul wrote that we can have eloquent speech, prophetic powers, a mind full of understanding and knowledge, and faith to move mountains, and we can even give all of our possessions to feed the poor and give our bodies to be burned, but without love "it profits nothing" (see I Corinthians 13:1-3). As Paul concluded his epistle to the believers in Corinth, he summed up this message by writing, “Let all your things be done with charity [love]” (I Corinthians 16:14). In essence, he is saying that love should be the driving factor behind everything that we do. Keeping Christ's commands must be motivated by genuine love; otherwise, even they "profit me nothing." Love is the theme and purpose behind all of God's Law (see Matthew 22:37-40), and love should be the motivation for keeping every command of Christ. Let's look at some of the commands through the eyes of love:
When Christ perfects His love in us through His commands, our lives will demonstrate the power of Christ's love. Use this list as a pattern for the remaining general commands, and make your own list of how genuine love can be expressed through each of the commands. Let's review this list often to remind ourselves not only to obey Christ's commands, but to obey them out of a heart of genuine love for God and others. With this as our motivation, the power of Christ's love will flow through our lives and accomplish much for His glory! |